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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Keeping in touch through Facebook

In social media venues I use Twitter and Facebook.  My Twitter account BunnyMummy2 has introduced me mainly to a compact network of tweeters who have a mutual affection for animals (mostly rabbits) that I have come to know strictly through cyberspace.  Facebook is the opposite.  All of my facebook friends are people that I actually have known and interacted with in my life.  I love facebook as a medium to know what is going on in their lives,  creeping on their pics, status updates etc makes up for a gulf that time and distance have created.  Some of my "friends" are loved ones and others are friends who have filtered in and then out of my life over the years and have come back into my life through facebook.

The last time that I had actually seen Mich had to have been at her wedding.  That had to have been 11-12 years ago...before that we had mastered the art of drinking Margarita's together...well maybe we never actually mastered the art, but we had fun trying.  Mich was the sweet one, I was the funny one and Anna was the one who always managed to get us home safely.....

It was no surprise when my sweet friend met someone who wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.  And with the responsibilities of life as a wife and mother it never struck me as odd that we lost touch after she married. When I have thought of her over the years I always ended the train of thought on her wedding day.  A day that I truly believed was the happiest day of her life.

When I logged onto facebook earlier and seen that she had changed her status from "married" to "separated" my heart fell to my feet.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You for your Sacrifice

The sun is shining and I am enjoying a really good cup of coffee, after a late start to the day.

Reflecting on all the little liberties that I am fortunate enough to enjoy. Thankful that I do not live in a part of the world where citizens are oppressed or uncared for and very VERY thankful to those who fought and continue to fight to preserve this way of life for me and all Canadians.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rememberance Day

Nov 11, Remembrance Day, is a day that we take a moment out of our lives to pay respect to the soldiers who have faced combat to defend our citizens and values.  One moment, on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour. 

Many of us feel compelled to give more than a single moment out of the day and attend a Remembrance Day service.  I usually attend the service at either Old City Hall or the one at the East York Community Centre.  I like the former because of the big old Cenotaph seems to add dignity to the service, I like the one at the East York Community Centre because it includes local school children and members of the local Police, Firefighters, and service people.  All told the service and the time it takes to line up to put my poppy on the Cenotaph might take 30-45 minutes out of my life.

I will usually take a personal day on November 11th. Attending the service will be the most important thing I do that day (heck it might be the most important thing that I do all week, month, year), but it wont be the only thing that i do that day.  The day will usually include shopping of some type.  The William Ashley Warehouse Sale has began so I will likely end up going there. 

One place that I will not be going (although in all honesty I might have) will be to visit any Eddie Store.  Eddie  Bauer has decided that Remembrance Day is a day that I am supposed to remember to buy socks as opposed to Remembering the efforts of the armed forces.  I think it is disgusting that a day that is supposed to honor soldiers is being used to promote a sale

Friday, November 5, 2010

Give up Sunshine

This day is winding down. I am sitting here with laptop on my lap. Sooty is on the back of the sofa front paws on my shoulder purring up a storm directly into my right ear. She smells 1/2 like oatmeal dry bath spray and 1/2 like cod liver oil....more of it got on her than in her. The smell will dissipate as she continues to bath herself. It is worth the slight fish smell to see her coat look so healthy and shiny. Nice way to end a day.

When this day began it was like most days begin, with me not wanting to get out of bed. The alarm going off. Then again, then again, then again. Sooty coming upstairs and hopping up onto the princess bed looking for love. Hit snooze one more time while snuggling.

The sun is barely crept over the horizon and through the window I see the branches of the trees, their leaves changed color weeks ago and only a few have not been blown off yet. I want to lay in bed with my loving cat at my side and enjoy the beautiful day; but alas there are responsibilities. The first one is to flip the blankest off and get to hell out of bed.

Patter down the stairs and pour myself a cups of coffee, fill the bird feeder, put out some food for the kitties. The birds come, the cats come out to watch the birds. They are next door I think it is Georgie and Other. They are chasing each other, I have not seen those two play for a long time. A couple of squirrels arrive to clean up the bird food that the birds are shaking onto the ground. I am leaning against the counter, sipping my coffee, without effort there is a smile creeping onto my face, the squirrel climbs the lilac tree and attempts to reach the bird feeder, weather it is because the birds are harassing it or it realizes the futility of its efforts, it gives up and I chuckle. I would like to stay and watch some more but the day beckons.

Back up the stairs clean, groom, dress, damn I am late. I am supposed to be at my desk in 10 minutes. I still have not said good morning to Stu. My darling bunny is waiting patiently to be acknowledged. I kneel down to give him some cheek rubs and kisses. Then I head to the kitchen to get his morning meds. Instead of waiting patiently on his mat he follows me to the kitchen.....well not onto the kitchen floor but to the edge of the living room. His Medcam is pineapple flavor and he thinks it is a treat. But the treat he really wants is more cheek rubs. He does tooth purrs and it feels wrong to rush off when all he wants is love. Just two more minutes then I must go.

Driving to work I merge into the Don Valley Parkway, the valley is full of a low lying mist. Again the nearly naked trees are looking elegant and beautiful the mist adds a mystical shroud. I want to pull in to Taylor Creek and go for a walk, but I am already late for work.

The Lyrics of a Harry Chapin song include the line "we give up our sunshine, so we can buy what we need". Today feels like one of those days.