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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Outdoor cats turned to finicky cats

Remington and Doodle (Dude is so silly I started adding a "le" to his name) have not only settled in but they have taken over.  I have to lock Doodle out of my bedroom when I sleep.  That is the only one on one time that I have with Sooty these days. 
Remington getting snuggles

These boys have laid claim to the basement, ground floor and upstairs.  They demand clean litter boxes, lots of snuggles, and have become finicky eaters

They are not very fond of Presidents Choice Cat food, kinda like Iams, but prefer Sootys calorie reduced stuff, and if they truly had their choice they would still be eating the Meow mix that they ate when they were outdoor cats.  They prefer canned food to dry, and (thankfully) the rattle of the treats bag gets them running back into the house on the occasions that they slip outside.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad they are settling in. My kitties will eat anything. Ha!
