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Thursday, May 31, 2012

The last of the family Feral

The brother of kitty, the same Mom as Remington and Dude...the last of the family of Feral is a grey tabby,  Instead of stripes he has a spiral marking on his coat.

In the middle of January, during a cold snap, I managed to lure him inside.  Unlike all the other lured in kitties, he was not calm when he realized that he was locked inside.  For weeks he stayed in the basement coming upstairs only to eat.  But after the first night he no longer pined to get out.  He quickly came to appreciate the shelter from the cold, and the food, and as always Remington and Dude made him welcome and Sooty treated him with disdain.

Little by little he has been improving,  he loves to chase the feather on a stick toy that I call the kitty fishing pole. I sit on one end of the sofa and he chases the feather at the other end.  Remmy and Dude like to play sometimes too.  He still spent most of his time hanging out in the basement but spends more and more time socializing with the boys and acknowledging my existence.  By late February most mornings I would wake up with Sooty, Remington, Dude AND Spiral up on the bed snoozing in the crook of my knee, and there he would snuggle with me  (with a layer of blankets between us) until he realized I was awake.

In the past couple of weeks I have been petting him, body at one end of the couch kitty and hand at the other.  Good news but the process has been incredibly slow.  I have not been in a rush to get him into a neuter clinic being as he is indoors and even if he ever got out all of the outdoor kitties are fixed now.  I will wait until I can peacefully coax him into a carrier before getting him snipped.  Then the next step should be to finding him a forever home. Lets face it 4 cats if boarder line "crazy cat lady" territory.  Not a land that I want to end up retiring to.

I have been letting Remington and Dude have their outdoor adventures, they always stick pretty close to home.  But I feared that if Spy were to ever get out he would not come back inside. A few days ago I was tending to the flower beds in the front of the house and had accidentally left the patio door partly open. It was not until Remmy came up to me looking to be petted that I realized what I had done.  I tried not to panic as I went to the backyard and sure enough Spy had escaped and was enthralled with a Dandelion that had turned to fluff.

 I'm thrilled to say that this is not the end of Spy's story. After conquering the Dandelion, eating some grass. climbing the tree, he needed to answer a call of nature and skipped back inside, down to the basement and the civilized privacy of his litter box.

I begin to wonder if perhaps Spy is just not the snugly cuddly type.  He seems quited contented with his current situation, but I would never be able to find a home for him. If you ever wondered how "Crazy Cat Ladies" ever got that way, I think I am beginning to understand. It is quite likely that Spy will be joining Remmy and Dude  in making Sooty and my home his own forever home.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Mayor makes a phone call

Most people who know me know that one of the most amusing chains to yank is my Mayor chain.  It takes a great deal of concentrated effort for me not to go off on a rant at any mention of our oversised, loudmouthed, moronic Mayor.  It bothers me to the core of my being that this man is actually our elected leader. 

I know a guy who thinks the sun shines out of Fords proverbial rear end, nothing I say about the guy not doing his job, making unrealistic promises, or just being a foot in the mouth idiot is ever going to change this guys opinion.  But I have to be honest and admit that nothing he says is going to change my maybe its a subject that we should avoid when we get together for social occasions. 

I met up with this guy on Tuesday.  He had some news and was pretty darn excited to tell me.  Seems there was a problem with the plumbing setup in his house and he ended up getting a water bill for over $1000.00.  He called City Hall, who verified that the water had been used and that it was not a clerical error, long story short his 3 toilets were constantly flowing. (not quite flushing) so it was not an error on his bill, but a legitimate charge that was an accident on his part.  Not happy but agreeing that it was his error my friend carried on his merry old way (at least this is the way he told the story to me....although I have my doubts).

A while later (not sure if this is days or weeks) his phone rings....he answers, Its the Mayor.  He figures its a joke (like if somebody called my house and said it was Jon BonJovi).  Finally he realized that his beloved idol is truly on the other end of the line to tell him that he heard about his issue and was sorry about it and wanted to know what he could do to make it right.  After much fawning by my friend and "awe shucksing" my the mayor a credit to my friends account it offered.

I don't have an issue with a credit being given to my friend. I got a similar credit from my phone carrier the first time I got data charges for uploading a boatload of pictures when I didn't have a data plan.  Its good decent business.  My issue is that it was the Mayor who took time from doing whatever it is that a mayor is supposed to be doing to perform a task that somebody at 311 is getting paid to do.  

From all accounts Mayor Ford was congenial and polite during the conversation....which makes me wonder if working in a call center is not a better utilization of his talents. 

Maybe if I call 311, I will actually receive a call from him and have the opportunity to let him know that I like above ground transportation. Hate scurrying around underground like a termite.  I have sent him e-mails but he does not seem to get them "everybody" that he hears from loves his ideas.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

concerned citizen or snitch

This morning, like every morning, I left home later than I should have if I wanted to be to work on time.  I got to the end of my street and a large company X, cube van was parked too close to the corner for me to see around to assess oncoming traffic. 

I cursed in my head...inched forward....then a bit more.....finally feeling like nothing was coming...I pulled out and continued my commute.

A quick glance sideways and I noticed a guy slumped over the steering wheel of the company cube van.

I drove on, still a little pissed off that buddy's nap had interfered in my race to get to work on time.  It was not until I was in the lineup to merge onto the dvp that I realized that perhaps buddy was slumped over the steering wheel for a reason other than a nap.

By the time I got to work it was 15-20 minutes later, I called Toronto Police,who put me through to  ambulance services, they dispatched a unit to check things out.

I will never know what the situation was....chances are that if is was a medical situation, any intervention from work was too late....perhaps if I had of stopped instead of cursing it would not have been.

But then again I may have brought undue grief upon a guy who was just catching some zzzzzs

I have a feeling this is one of those things that is going to haunt me.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I know it will sound a bit naive to say that Kitty is an unexpected house guest, being as I set food out and provide kitty shelters for Kitty and his kin; but there you have it....I have a unexpected house guest, who for lack of a better name I am calling Kitty.

In spite of the fact that Wednesday was one of the coldest days we have had so far, when I opened the back door to put out food for the feral cats, Dude and Remington slipped out and decided they wanted an outdoor adventure.  Remington was quickly lured back indoors with the laser light but Dude was determined to be tough and endure the cold.  I shivered with the door open, laser light attempting to lure the little bugger inside...kitty was intrigued by the light and ended up following it into the kitchen and once realizing where he was hesitantly continued to track it to the other side of the room.  Once I was closer to the door that kitty was I slammed the door shut....there was about 30 seconds of panic...then quiet time under the kitchen table. Dude was allowed to continue his outdoor adventure while Remington and Kitty played with the laser light. 

Somewhat subdued Kitty had something to eat, when Dude came back inside (as he always does) everybody got a treat of wet cat food. All the cat toys came out and Remington and Dude played and chased each other while Kitty looked on and little by little joined in. Remington and Dude were an earlier litter of kittens to the same mother that had Kitty and his sibling.  Remy and Dude were born in April and the later two about July.  They are close in age and all still love to play.  Eventually Kitty went down to the basement to spend the night behind some paint cans, Remy, Dude, Sooty and I went upstairs to bed.

When I woke up on Thursday morning Dude and Sooty were in bed with me and Remington and Kitty were sleeping on the furry mat outside the bathroom door.

Kitty has settled into indoor living quiet well.  He hides most of the time in the basement but comes up for meals and a good play romp in the evening.  His sibling came to the door this morning but I could not manage to lure it in too....Kitty either didn't notice it or did not care.

There is a Neuter clinic on Wednesday and I was hopeful that I would be able to cart Kitty off to be fixed but so far he is still skittish of being handled and I don't see any reason to push it.  He is indoors and safe from the elements and there is no chance of him expanding the population as long as he is here.  I am hopeful to get him socialized and adoptable.  When he eventually is fixed he will be able to go to a forever home instead of being released back to his colony.  He is coming around little by little.

This evening he came close enough, long enough for me to stroke him, then he casually walked away.  Even without being petted he purrs loud enough to hear him from several feet away, and rolls over to show his belly.  He eventually going to to be quite the cuddlier I am sure.